Event: Quantum control of Rydberg atoms

From https://quantum-journal.org/papers/q-2022-01-24-629/
Silvério et al., Quantum (2022)

Cold Rydberg atoms in optical lattices are one type of basic quantum systems that are being used for the early stages of quantum computing, e.g., by the French startup Pasqal, the MIT/Harvard spin-off QuEra (whose software is in Julia 👍, not Pyth🤮n), Berkeley-based Atom Computing and Cold Quanta out of Boulder, CO; the EU Pathfinder project BRISQ pursues a technology variant. As the staring point for a project with Rydberg atom lattices, we will have an informal seminar where a volunteer 😏 will explain how controlling collections of Rydberg atoms works:

  • In Delta room 2049, on Wednesday, 14:30–17:00.

After reviewing basics of general quantum control (interaction picture, simple 1-qubit control) we discuss the Hamiltonian used in quantum computing with Rydberg-atoms, and work through it to understand, in full mathematical rigor, how an entangling CZ gate is realized. The highly approximative and non-rigorous pictures such as the one above, with the energy levels and the photon energy arrows, we draw only for fun. This event targets mathematicians: You don’t need to know (and you won’t learn) anything about semi-classical light-matter interaction.

Walk-ins with sufficient math background (Hilbert space operator theory, mathematics of quantum mechanics) are welcome.