Homepage of Dirk Oliver Theis

Dr. rer. nat. habil.
Dirk Oliver Theis
Associate Professor


Who I am: Theoretical computer science, applicable mathematics.
What I do: Quantum computing.

Theoretical computer science and mathematics are about proving theorems, which is what I (try to) do most of the time. To assess the practical utility of results that I obtain on paper, I also often write proof-of-concept source code. Apart from pure theory, I'm fond of compiler engineering: the closer to the metal the better. With my research, I aim to contribute to realizing quantum computing within this decade.

My recent papers:


Current students
  • Evgenii Dolzhkov: PhD candidate — Quantum (and quantum inspired) algorithms for optimization
  • Shahla Novruzova: PhD candidate — Quantum error correction & fault-tolerance
  • Anton Perepelenko: BSc candidate — Testing quantum computers
  • Kateryna Turchak: BSc candidate — Testing quantum computers
Past students…

… in quantum computing:

  • Anabel Ovide González Multicore quantum computers: Mapping analysis of quantum algorithms (MSc 2022)
  • Handy Kurniawan A quantum language compiler (MSc 2022)
  • Alejandro Villoria Gonzalez Verification of AutoCCZ quantum states by ZX calculation (MSc 2022)
  • Evgenii Dolzhkov, Using abstract harmonic analysis and Lie group theory to study parameterized quantum circuits (MSc 2020)
  • Andrew Lei, Quantum computing methods for machine learning (MSc 2020)
  • Mykhailo Nitsenko (MSc 2020)

Teaching in Spring 2025:

  • MTAT.07.024 Quantum Cryptography (6 ECTS)
  • LTAT.04.004 Quantum Seminar (3 ECTS)

Quantum computing courses I have taught in the past include:

  • MTAT.05.118 Quantum Algorithms (6 ECTS; basic quantum algorithms)
  • MTAT.07.024 Quantum Cryptography (6 ECTS)
  • LTAT.00.015a Modern Quantum Algorithms (6 ECTS; LCU, QSVT, etc.)
  • LTAT.00.015b Quantum Error Correction & Fault Tolerant Quantum Computing (6 ECTS; stabilizer codes, surface codes, fault tolerant QC)
  • LTAT.00.015c Quantum Information Processing with Photons (6 ECTS; measurement-based quantum computing on photonic QC devices)


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