Projects & Preprints




  • EU endeavor to build a full-stack quantum computer based on superconducting electronic circuits, with the capability, by 2026, to achieve entanglement of 100+ qubits. UTartu will contribute to the enabling-software stack.
  • Eestikeelne pressiteade TODO: Make link!
  • 03/2023-08/2026
  • ETIS: MLTAT23219R

Work group № 7 “Quantum Information and Computing”…

Secure Quantum Technology


Output of Quantum Computing research at the University of Tartu. This is updated very infrequently, sorry ☹️

Publications without preprint

  • Journal of Luminescence (2019)
    Spectroscopic evidence of cooperative (entangled) quantum states of Nd3+ ion pairs in Nd3+: LaF3 crystal

    • Yurii Orlovskii, Helge Gross, Elena Vinogradova, Vadim Boltrushko, Vladimir Hizhnyakov